I had an amazingly good time. (Note: I quite often have fun when I venture out into the the strange and wonderful world where contact with greater humanity is possible. But when good times happen, I still find it surprising. Thank you humans!)
At the Virginia Festival of the Book, Les Johnson, Toni Weisskopf, and Chris Oakley held an excellent panel on Putting the Science in Science Fiction. (There they are, left to right in the photo.) Les Johnson cowrote Back to the Moon among other things and works for NASA. Toni Weisskopf is my publisher at Baen Books. Chris Oakley, one of the friends who encouraged me to come visit for the weekend, moderated the panel and owns Oakley's Gently Used Books.
After the programming Friday evening, I got to talk with Toni. (Drum roll please...)
There will be a Worlds of Honor 7 anthology, and it will include another story by me!
I will now curl up around my laptop and hide from humanity while my introversion shields are overhauled. MantiCon is only 58 days away, and shields must be at con strength by then. Also, I have an Honorverse story to write. My rock and I are very, very pleased.